Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Man of God

He wasn't my grandfather or any relation. I didn't know him personally. But it's always sad when a man of God dies..........like a star burning out or losing a prized possession.

So even though I never once spoke to him, he spoke to me and I learned from him. It is kind of ironic that our Priesthood/Relief Society lesson was on his talk from October Conference - "Come What May; And Love it" . The talk was on adversity. You can't help but ask what adversity Elder Wirthlin had seen in life? And how did he handle it? Not only did he speak with the Spirit, but he spoke from personal experience and with empathy. I think that one of the times he showed grace under adversity was April Conference 2008. He could barely stand, he could barely talk and he had to actually have help to remain at the pulpit, but he soldiered on and delivered his talk with grace and dignity.

His talk is inspiring and uplifting and makes me want to be a better person. But there are other lessons to be learned from Elder Wirthlin as well. He was humble. He was meek. But he was strong...strong in the Gospel...strong in lifting his voice and sharing his testimony. I hope I can have those qualities when I grow up.

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