Wednesday, November 24, 2010

TECHNOLOGY IS COOL! Every once in awhile....

When the stars are aligned and everything is working just right,
I LOVE technology.

Most of the time,
technology is a blessing.
And today, it was a blessing in many people's lives.

This morning, I received a phone call from an old friend who lived in our neighborhood and moved to Utah several years ago.  Her 22 year old daughter is serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Rome, Italy.
(The same mission where my parents are serving.)

My friend told me that she had just recieved an email from her daughter
and that she excitedly wrote that my parents were coming to her town and taking her out to dinner tonight.
Italy is 8 hours ahead of us and we figured that at that very moment
her daughter could be hanging out with my parents.

Missionaries only email home once a week.  And they only call home twice a year.
Senior missionaries (like my parents) don't have those kinds of rules.
My friend knew that thanks to Magic Jack and Skype,
I speak with my parents on a regular basis.

Okay - so my parents have a hard time with technology and when both the Magic Jack and Skype are plugged in at the same time, we only get every third world.
But that's not technology's fault!

So my friend asked that if I talked to my parents,
find out how her daughter is doing and if she is happy and healthy.
Moms of missionaries crave any kind of info on their babies who are far away!

So, about 5:30 (my time), I'm at my computer when I see my mom log into Skype.
My first thought is "What are they still doing up at 11:30?"
But I dial in and we spend 20 minutes talking about their dinner.
As we're talking, my dad uploads the pictures they took of my friend's daughter from their camera and emails them to me.

After we hang up,
I call my friend up and relate every word that my parents said about her daughter.
And as we are talking,
I downloaded the pictures and forward them to her.
She has pictures of her baby who is thousands of miles away and they are just a couple of hours old.

How cool is that?


valerie said...

Very Cool!

Juli said...

I love technology... but HTML hate me. Really it does. I've written several posts about it. :)

Raven said...

That is awesome!

Mrs4444 said...

It's VERY cool! How wonderful :)

And BTW, your blog is looking gorgeous these days :) Sorry it's taken me so long to get here!