Thursday, June 2, 2011

Garrett - Week 2 in the MTC

I would post ALL of Garrett's letters.......but that might be a little overkill.
They are so sweet though.
I am so happy that HE is so happy.
Here is yesterday's email -

Hey Guys!

I sent a letter home today describing what my daily routine looks like since a lot of people have been asking. It has been another great week, especially because i'm starting to get used to the changes here. I have a great district and we are all working hard to prepare for Romania.
Doctrince and Covenants 18:16 says, "And now , if your joy wil be great with one soul brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"
Right now im enjoying bringing the most important soul of them all to me to Heavenly Father; myself.

I love being here and all the growth that happens here. I am learning so much and like I said in my letter, I have prayers answered often as I seek for insight that will make me be the best missionary I can be. "If you are on the Lord's errand, you are entitled to the Lord's help" - Thomas S. Monson. I feel that help ALL the time.

It's funny because at first I found it so facinating how the MTC and its security of gates makes it look like there is no escaping. But I have come to appreciate the abundance of Spirit that is actually kept in here, and am not bothered by that at all because this place is so different from the world. I enjoy the speakers, and teachers, and leaders that teach and direct here. I honestly wouldn't want to leave yet.
Another thing that suprises me is that what you learn here is not spoon fed or generic. The Holy Ghost speaks to each missionary willing to listen in a very personal way. I have found this out as I find answers and recieve answers that are completely irrelevant to what we are learning at the time. That part is the best.
I love being able to pray and tell the Lord that he's got me and my full devotion for the next two years, Im willing to do whatever and work as hard as possible, so just let me know how I can do that.....
I end up getting a lot of direction that way.

Dallin H. Oaks said, " Testimony is to know and feel, conversion is to do and become." I'm so thankful that I get to go out and DO and not just know.

I'm so thankful for the continued prayers and letters, they really make a difference.
Everyday I say wow at the end of the night and struggle to fit it all into my journal.

Allen F Packer of the 70 related missionary work to a dot-to-dot puzzle. As we teach, we teach them how to connect the dots of the puzzle, to make the greater picture. I cant wait to witness lives change as that happens!
I love you all, im having a great time. It truly is hard and demanding work. I know it will be the hardest two years, but the best as well.


Elder Cox

1 comment:

Juli said...

LOve this.

The written word is so lost in today's youth. He is so expressive with his thoughts and words. I just love it. :)