Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Nothing makes me more nostalgic and sentimental than Christmas....
but really......I've LOST my mind.

* I'm texting the Boneheads my angels at college and begging them to come home. Acceptable.

* I'm thinking of Christmases past and missing my brothers and my parents. Acceptable.

* I've given up Lil Wayne and Usher for Andy Williams and Perry Como Christmas music - TOTALLY Acceptable!

* I'm crying over the Folger's ad - the one where the boy comes home from college.
The ad is old.  I've seen it 1,000 times. The "college" boy is probably 35 by now.
I don't drink coffee. - Hmmm........questionable.

* Someone sent me a link to an old Chaka Kahn song -"Aint Nobody."
It's from 1983.
I like it but it wasn't my favorite song.
I cranked the speakers, sang at the top of my lungs until I put my head down on my desk and sobbed.- Ummmm.....somebody send some medication and a straight jacket?


Don and Kelley said...

I am totally nostalgic this year. What is wrong with me? I hear ya about TV ads. Especially Christmas ads. I just bawl. Oh my gosh, I better get it together before Zach gets home!

Paula said...

Wait a minute - didn't you expect to have checked into the funny farm by Tues? Really, just a short visit might be a nice change. I can book one for us if you want!

Unknown said...

It all sounded okay to me until you got to the Chaka Kahn part. Maybe you just need an extra cupcake!

H.K. said...

I always love the Folgers ads, they remind me of the Hallmark ads!

Juli said...

Ever watch a Hallmark presentation of a movie, and EVERY ad is a hallmark moment? Yeah, I think their in kahootz with Kleenex.

At this point I'd love a straight jacket... it's getting colder by the day and the extra long sleeves would keep one pretty warm I'd imagine.

JJ said...

Remember you are not crazy, you have crazy.

I hereby medically clear you. You are healed. You are not crazy.