Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Random Things

I keep getting tagged on Facebook to write down 25 random things.
First of all, it says to copy and paste into my notes. I don't do notes. I don't know how. I barely do facebook.

Secondly, facebook is merely a spying tool. Not to spy on my friends or old schoolmates....well not really. But it's a tool to spy on my own children.

But after the 38th person tagged me, I did type up 25 random things.

Maybe, just maybe, I will post it to my facebook. But I am NOT tagging 25 more poor fools.

1. I can see the Lord’s hand in my life every single day and am grateful for small miracles and tender mercies that help me get through life.
2. I love, love, love teaching seminary and wish that after teaching five years, I could remember just 1/10 of what I have studied. My brain is a sieve.
3. I love to travel….especially with my family.
4. My four food groups are Fats, Salt, Sugar and Carbohydrates.
5. I love butter. I would never just eat butter, but I will put it on just about anything and I admit to hoarding butter in the freezer.
6. We rarely watch TV except for the news. So no, I don’t follow Lost, Heroes, American Idol, Survivor, the Office or 30 Rock.
7. I love to read and particularly enjoy historical fiction. I read every book for our church book club but never attend the meetings.
8. I love teenagers. They entertain me.
9. My spices are alphabetized and my clothes are organized by type and color, but I have several cupboards that if opened, stuff will fall out all over the place.
10. I hate to be late.
11. Food makes me happy. There is nothing better than eating and reading at the same time!!!!! And if the reading is a cooking magazine, it’s even better!
12. I love to play board games, word games and card games but my family doesn’t.
13. I hate party games – shower games.
14. Before I had children, I wanted all boys. Luckily, I got what I wanted.
15. I love lacrosse and could watch 10 games a week, which is good since all three boys play lacrosse and there have been weeks where we’ve had 7-8 games. I like the violence.
16. I HATE to ski but I went up every Saturday for three or four years and skied just so I could watch my kids ski/board. It was worth it.
17. I HATE to sweat. I don’t like to exercise or work in the yard because then you get sweaty and dirty……..and I don’t like dirt either.
18. I really enjoy living in Colorado because we have all four seasons and I like them all.
19. Even though I don’t like sweat or dirt, I love blood and gore. My fantasy job would to be a coroner or medical examiner.
20. I freak out over lost keys, missing items and insignificant things, but if there is a big emergency like a car accident, body parts getting cut off or a tornado bearing down on the school, I am really calm. THAT’S when you want me around.
21. I don’t like pets……..of any kind. Garrett had a goldfish that wouldn’t die. After three years, I flushed him.
22. I like to watch movies but we hardly ever do.
23. I am good at keeping secrets or confidences.
24. I don’t like surprises.
25. I like facebook but not for stuff like this. Oh, but I like to read everyone elses' responses! I'm a stalker!


valerie said...

LOL! We have a fish that won't die either. Each day I go in thinking this is the day and it likes to fool me but, no such luck. (shhhh don't tell kenzie) I just really hate cleaning that bowl. Loved your 25 random things.

Melissa said...

I wrote about my detestation of sweating in my 25 things, which I did post on Facebook. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Jen and Dakota said...

I can't believe you fleshed Garrett's fish. That is to funny! You are great Gina. I enjoyed your 25 things!

Unknown said...

Alphabetized spices... really? You'd be horrified at my 'just throw them in the cupboard and maybe they fall out when you open it method' :)

We had a fish that wouldn't die. But we moved and magically 'it died'. So sad (snicker)