Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Resolution Recision

THIS is why I DON't make New Year's Resolutions!!!! And what was I thinking when I wrote my non resolutions down???? See, it's 6 days into the year and I'm rescinding #1.

I thought it would be a good idea to entertain MORE. What is MORE? We were already entertaining large crowds, small groups and overnighters on a regular basis. Realizing that, I changed the focus of my goal to not so much MORE but different.

Now, I would like to TAKE IT ALL BACK!

Here's a little peak into my calendar:

Friday, January 2 -2 Weddings, 1 Ring Ceremony, 2 Receptions. We missed one of the receptions. Just couldn't get there.

Saturday, January 3 - 2 Weddings, 2 Receptions, 1 visit to friend in hospital

So last weekend was almost 4 Weddings and a Funeral. And, okay, I admit, "I" wasn't entertaining. I was going to other people's parties. But how can I THROW a party if I'm AT a party???? Don't answer that!

And that was just last weekend. This weekend is another wedding and a shower. But once again, these events are NOT at my house.

Coming up AT MY HOUSE in the next TWO weeks:

All YM/YW coming here after their ice blocking activity for cookies and hot chocolate

A small breakfast for a class presidency

A family of four (who I've never met in my life) coming from out of town for the night. They are coming to get sealed in the temple! Way cool!

A baby shower for 65. Okay, I DID volunteer for this one! I'm excited about this one! And it is entertaining by choice which does fit into my non-goal. Yay for SIL having a baby!!!!

But I'm left with a few questions:

Why did I marry such a charitable guy?

Did Brian read my blog and volunteer me because he wants to help me with my non-resolution?

Should I have nipped his "inviting" behavior in the bud when he was a bishop?
Is he intentionally trying to send me to the loony bin? Oh wait, I live here! Just wondering???

So, step away from your mailboxes! There will be no inviations issued THIS month to small intimate dinners at my house. Maybe February....or maybe not.


deb@virginia blue said...

I can't even begin to guess how you do it all...

I would crawl under the covers and hide from everyone!!

Rachael said...

You are so busy! You guys should buy stock in wedding presents!

Tricia said...

good grief! I can't imagine how you fit it all in. I go a little crazy when my life gets like that. I'm glad to know someone else who runs from one thing t the next sometimes....and lives to blog about it. :)

Missty said...

Ok Gina that is crazy! I can't believe all the weddings all the time. I mean I believe you... I just can't imagine knowing all those people getting married all the time. Our singles ward.... stays single! lol