Monday, November 15, 2010

Good People Doing Good Things

Trammell called last Saturday afternoon.
He was walking home from the BYU football game.
He wasn't feeling well.
You know he had to be feeling sick to leave a total blowout game in 70 degree fall weather when he had seats two rows up on the 50 yard line.

An hour later, he called back and he was walking BACK to the stadium.

He was going to go clean the stadium after the game as part of a service project.
"I decided it would help me take my mind off my own problems, if I went and helped," he said.

There is a guy in his condo complex who has the opportunity to do this great internship.
But he has to pay to do the internship.
The company offering the internship sponsored a contest - to clean the stadium.
The student who gets the most people to come clean the stadium, doesn't have to pay for the internship.
I'm getting the details wrong - but you get the idea - get your friends to come clean and you don't have to come out of pocket for the internship.

This boy was recently in a freak accident and broke his back a few weeks ago.
He can't lift or bend.
He can't clean the stadium.
He didn't dare ask his friends to clean the stadium.

But the kids at Trammell's condo complex heard about the situation and decided to rally around and get as many people as they could to go to the stadium clean up for him.
TWENTY FIVE kids showed up.
They all cleaned for him.
He had the most people show up.
He won!

And those 25 kids won!
And I won because hearing that story lifted my heart, gave me faith in young adults and reminded me that there are a lot of good people doing a lot of good things and we don't hear enough about them.


Don and Kelley said...

I like this! I am so glad I read this before starting my Monday!!!!

Unknown said...

What a great story! And I really do hope Trammell starts feeling better soon.

Juli said...

Thanks. This was just what I needed today.