It's RaNDoM THouGHT TueSDaY!
Go on over to Stacy's
It's never too late to join in on the fun!
Yesterday was BEYOND exciting at our house!
* It was Parker's FIRST day of his LAST year of school.
"Mom, why do always take 1st day of school pictures by the front door when we don't even go out the front door to go to school."
Yeah....I don't know why we do that. BUT, we won't EVER do it again!
* THAT wasn't the most exciting part of the day though. The MOST exciting thing that happened yesterday is that my sister-in-law Stephanie went from carrying this -
(the belly - not the ball)
to carrying this -
Johnna Justin was born yesterday all 7 lbs 11 ozs and 20 inches of cuteness. Those brothers are going to LOVE her!!!! Yea for Stephanie!!! One thing that has helped us all get through the last few months since my brother's death is the knowledge that while he has not been here with us, he has been with sweet Johnna helping her get ready to come to earth. I can't help but wonder if he isn't a little bit sad and lonely right now.
* In just minutes, Trammell is going to hop into his car and start the LONG drive from his summer job in Arkansas home. Yea!!! He gets to spend two days with us before he returns to Utah to resume school on Monday. Boo!!!
* Last week, Brian and I spent an exciting night in the ER.
My brother (the ER doc) had called ahead and talked to the local ER doc and told him we were on our way and what to look for.
The ER doc chose to discount that and not do an ultrasound.
We came home with no answers.
Brian's regular doctor ordered an ultrasound.
The results came in yesterday -
Lo and behold............gallstones.
Just what my brother thought.
What do you know????
Brian has an appointment with a surgeon tomorrow to schedule gallbladder surgery.
Thank you stupid ER doctor for wasting our time and money.
* Are you ready for Skirtember?
Come on! It will be fun!!!!
There is a Facebook group of friends and strangers who are going to wear skirts the entire month.
You can join.
It's open to anyone.
You don't have to wear a different skirt everyday......just a skirt.
Join in!!!!
Well, that's enough nonsense.
There is plenty to do around here.